Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Outdoor Tonics

Photos thanks to friends from springtime hikes and their awakening gardens during the quarantine:

From N & T, Duluth, Minnesota, while walking the trails near their home:
Rock painter's woodland
 From P., Fairfax, Virginia, early spring garden mystery plants:
Presumed weeds but are in fact sweetferns, a type of fern

From E., Reston, Virginia, my master gardener friend who can 'paint' with flowers and knows their Latin names to boot!

In-progress rock garden
Diantus & alyssum

Dogwood in all it's glory

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for adding friends' photos. I keep thinking I will write something for you. I do take photos every day.

    (PS I think you have the tulip photo upside down.)
