Sunday, May 31, 2020

Glory Days!

front left: rosemary, eggplant & cukes; front right: yellow & red beans plus red onions
First ever cauliflower!
Transplanted fig to sunnier spot
Peas & red onions
Molly's peonies

Persian mint & Virginia Sweetspire
Climbing New Dawn rose on deck, veggies to the right
New Dawn climbing rose, hydrangeas

Gardening Bliss

Molly's hummingbird favorite fuchsia with New Dawn climbing rose
The sweet peas inching up
Short-lived but grand peonies
Almost finished pansies
Jim's basil seedlings getting a late start
Biggest surprise-blooming French thyme!  'Only ever had the odd thyme blossom, til this year!
Molly's African daisies with lobelia

Chives in foreground, achilea, climbing clematis, Siberian Iris and peonies is background

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Outdoor Tonics

Photos thanks to friends from springtime hikes and their awakening gardens during the quarantine:

From N & T, Duluth, Minnesota, while walking the trails near their home:
Rock painter's woodland
 From P., Fairfax, Virginia, early spring garden mystery plants:
Presumed weeds but are in fact sweetferns, a type of fern

From E., Reston, Virginia, my master gardener friend who can 'paint' with flowers and knows their Latin names to boot!

In-progress rock garden
Diantus & alyssum

Dogwood in all it's glory

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Garden update May 7, 2020

Back garden-azaleas, Siberian iris & annual flowers May 2020
Siberian Iris, African daisy, azalea
Front garden with varieties of thyme cascading onto driveway

Detail of Elfin (creeping) thyme
Varieties of thyme between stepping stones
Onion & shallots, raised bed replacing azaleas killed by black walnut tree's juglan
Ligularia, sorrel, creeping jenny "Goldilocks"